CBC Coronavirus Update: 10th July 2020

Written by on 10 July 2020

As we move into the recovery phase of our response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak Chesterfield Borough Council will continue to assess and respond to new requirements and will modify service provision in line with the latest Government guidance.

Play areas and outdoor gyms

Chesterfield Borough Council is pleased to announce the re-opening of the borough’s play areas and outdoor gyms.

Following the Government’s direction that play areas and outdoor gyms could re-open, the council has been working hard to safely re-open these facilities. A number of measures have been introduced to ensure that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable time when visiting, whilst still maintaining social distancing.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “We have some great outdoor spaces in the borough, including our play areas and outdoor gyms, and with the school holidays coming up soon I would encourage residents to enjoy these facilities again now lockdown measures are beginning to ease.

“Steps have been taken at some play areas to support social distancing and I would ask everyone to follow the safety guidelines displayed on signs at each of our outdoor spaces. Please do look after yourselves and your families.”

Adults accompanying children to the play areas should be limited to one per household to allow more children to use the equipment, and we would encourage families to come back later if play areas are busy.

To help control the spread of Coronavirus, the council is also requesting that all visitors wash their hands or use anti-bacterial gel before and after using the play or outdoor gym equipment.

More information on the measures in place can be found at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/your-council/coronavirus-information-hub/leisure-services-updates

Chesterfield town centre – enjoying the weekend safely

Chesterfield Borough Council is delighted to see more and more people visiting the town centre, indulging in some retail therapy and socialising as more shops, bars and restaurants open, which is great news for our local economy.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It’s been great to see so many of you out enjoying yourselves over the past few weeks as more town centre businesses re-open.

“Your support for our fabulous market traders, brilliant independent retailers and the other household names that appear on Chesterfield’s high street is vital for our local economy, and especially for those employed within the town centre.”

To make sure everyone continues to have a safe and enjoyable experience, the council would like to remind residents and visitors to follow social distancing guidelines and respect the Covid-19 secure measures that local retailers, pubs and restaurants have put in place.

Some bars and restaurants may require you to book in advance, so please check before visiting and all will be collecting customer details as part of their responsibility under the NHS Test and Trace system.

The council is also encouraging residents to leave their cars at home and walk or cycle into the town centre.

We anticipate that taxis will be busy and would advise anyone needing a taxi to book in advance. Each taxi company will also have their own Covid-19 secure working arrangements and you should ask about these when booking.

Please also ensure that if you are using public transport that you that wear a face covering

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