International oceans campaigner to give virtual talk on plastic pollution
Written by Spire Radio on 9 June 2020
Chesterfield campaign group, Plastic Free Chesterfield, is marking it’s one year anniversary of the group with an online webinar featuring a special guest speaker on Wednesday 10th June.

Joining the webinar will be Will McCallum, Head of Oceans at Greenpeace UK and author of ‘How to Give Up Plastic’, which will be the topic of the talk.
As Head of Oceans, Will has been working with governments and companies to prevent our plastic crisis, as well as researching what consumers can do to reduce plastic pollution. He set up, and is leading, the global Greenpeace campaign to create the world’s largest protected area in the Antarctic Ocean. He has campaigned at sea and on land for many years for sustainable fisheries, healthy oceans and wildlife protection.
Will has put everything he’s learnt into his accessible guide, ‘How to Give Up Plastic’, and in this webinar will share tips and tricks to help you reduce your plastic footprint.
Plastic pollution is the environmental scourge of our age: around 12.7 million tonnes of plastic are entering the ocean every year, killing over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals. By 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by weight. For the last year, Plastic Free Chesterfield have been working with local schools, businesses and community organisations to reduce their single-use plastics.
Plastic Free Chesterfield Community Lead, Greg Hewitt, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have Will McCallum join us at a special webinar to mark the first anniversary of our group. We’ve already made a big impact in Chesterfield and even though we are in a pandemic, plastic pollution is still a huge issue and not going away anytime soon. We really look forward to working with the Chesterfield community to create a green recovery, build back better and create the ‘new normal’ that so many people desire”.
The free webinar will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 10th June at 7.30pm with registration now open and limited spaces available.